
The most important is undoubtedly that of the Palio dei Normanni, which takes place on 12, 13 and 14 August each year to celebrate the liberation of Sicily from the Saracens …

The most important is undoubtedly that of the Palio dei Normanni, which takes place on 12, 13 and 14 August each year to celebrate the liberation of Sicily from the Saracens by Ruggero il Normanno.

The Palio dei Normanni officially begins on the afternoon of August 12, with the delivery of weapons and the blessing of the jousting Knights and the Quarters in the Cathedral Basilica.

On the second day, over three hundred people on foot and on horseback dressed in period costumes relive the entry of the troops into ancient Plutia with a historical carousel; while the next day at the municipal stadium the expected Palio takes place: a carousel attended by the riders of the four neighborhoods of the city.